I’m happy to announce that Meli Sameh (of Weird Jewish Digest fame) are sharing a new zine today for Tu Bishvat. Hawnuh Lee of Closed Loop Cooking did the illustrations.
“Guests on This Land: a pacific northwest tu bishvat” connects Tu Bishvat traditions to Indigenous knowledge of the lands we live on. We examine four foods to use in your Tu Bishvat seder, as well as sharing supplemental essays on Jewish history in the Pacific Northwest and Jewish senses of ‘hereness’.

We’re making the zine available for free, but hope that readers will donate to tribal food sovereignty projects in their area. We’re also suggesting three Pacific Northwest-specific donation opportunities: the Chinook Indian Nation, Real Rent Duwamish, and Seeding Justice‘s water funds.
Please share the zine if you feel comfortable doing so. And please let me know what you think!